Monday, September 10, 2012


Here are pictures of some of the enrichment items used for Meerkats at the Indianapolis Zoo:

Termite mounds can be filled with crickets or meal worms.  One of the mounds has a timer and releases insects based on the timer while the other has open tubes and the insects make their way out on their own.     

Grasses and other exhibit furniture can be changed out for  new scenery and smells.

The meerkats enjoy eating hibiscus flowers

Carboard boxes can be filled with shredded paper, wood shavings or cedar dust.  Food can be added for extra entertainment.  Cut holes in the boxes for the meerkats to reach through and pull out goodies, or leave them completely sealed up for challenge.  

Shredded paper used as filling in boxes, bags or a hard plastic kiddie pool.

Treats or scents can be hidden in between the pages of phone books.  Meerkats have to flip through the pages to find the treats!

Various hide-out toys/furniture 

Plastic Easter egg with holes in it, Kong toy, and plastic container with holes cut in it.  Food placed inside and the meerkats have to manipulate the objects to get the food out.  

Straw used for filling in bags or boxes, or as a substrate in a kiddie pool.

Aspen shavings for filling or substrate

Cedar dust has a strong scent

Various perfumes/colognes are great for olfactory enrichment. 

Various toys for playing..  I think the yellow one made sound as it was rolled around. 

Remote controlled dinosaur.  Simply awesome. Not suggested to use with direct contact to meerkats

Ostrich egg with holes cut in it.  Can be filled with food items, or covered in scents. 

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